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Exclusive news and competitions, follow Stack3d on your mobile with Snapchat

Add Stack3d on Snapchat for exclusive updates and news

As part of a social experiment and an effort to offer Stack3d readers a little something different. We have incorporated Snapchat as a platform for people to communicate with us. For those of you who use the iPhone and Android application simply search for us with the username ‘stack3d’. As for those who do not use the mobile application you may want to make an effort to download it. Not only will we do our best to answer all questions submitted, but we will also be sending Snapchat exclusive information to those who add us. This includes competitions, supplements that have just arrived for review, breaking news, and opinions on products before they are published. The frequency of activity won’t be as much as our website, Facebook, or Twitter pages, however we will put in more effort if the services’s following grows.

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