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Not your usual creatine, Muscle Pharm change up the muscle building market

Another one adds to the list. Muscle Pharm creatine! Out of all the ones that have been hitting the new line-up. Glutamine, BCAA, ZMA and the soon to be popular Armour-V. The creatine is a unique powder. It is requesting the same as usual, 5g scoop but without the load. Which is a huge bonus as this is unflavoured, 300g and a little more than your usual creaitne price. Minus the load phase that makes it cheaper. The other bonus is that this creaitne formula is not the everyday creatine monohydrate flying solo. Creapure, creatine AAB, dicreatineMalate, creatine nitrate and con-cret creatine HCL. All that in the tiny little 5g scoop. One more thing to top it off. A serve comes with this creatine. Which in creatine is never seen. 3 scoops to make the serve but this creatine looks like it will just add more quality to the huge brand, Muscle Pharm, well done.

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