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Muscletech confirms three more Nitro-Techs for international fans


Back at the Olympia Muscletech unveiled a handful of new protein powders introducing a bigger Nitro-Tech, and two new versions of the supplement with Nitro-Tech Power and Nitro-Tech Ripped. The brand has now actually confirmed three more Nitro-Techs, all of which are just like Power and Ripped being different versions of the product and will in fact only be available outside the US. The official titles of the supplements are Nitro-Tech Rapid Mass, Nitro-Tech Zero-Carb and Nitro-Tech Hyper-Build. While we don’t have everything you need to know about the spin-off protein powders just yet, we’ve got enough details to give you an idea on what they’re all about. Simply click on the names listed and you’ll be taken to a post with all we have on each product at the moment.

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