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Make yourself Bullet Proof, the experience of Muscle Pharm

This product may be receiving more then one experience review. As different reactions come from different products. Muscle Pharm Bullet Proof does what it says. Compared to other test, recovery supplements this is not as strong. Price and combos that you can create from this, Muscle Pharm’s Battle Fuel will cover more then enough. It does put you to sleep. Taken between 30-45 minutes before bed the sleepiness comes on pretty strong. There are 3 flavours available which if you find the surely disgusting grape there are others to resort to. Muscle Pharm do suggest to take 5 days on 2 days off. Which would possibly prevent the body getting used to the supplement. The bonus with all Muscle Pharm supps are the guarantee of no banned substance. Do not let the WADA rulings fool you. There products are quite strong. The difference on Bullet Proof is the wake up call. Unlike other products that almost prolong sleep to one and a half. Bullet Proof will cut you up at that 8 hour mark and have you wide awake as soon as your eyes are open. Muscle recovery is a little less then a test supp. Expected when starting something out. Which is why another experience will be coming soon. Just to be totally sure on the body getting used to it or an increase in muscle recovery, hope the latter coming into play more so.

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