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Just a complex like SuperPump so stupid, Vasotropin goes on sale along with the ingredients label

Here you go. Up for sale. Straight from Gaspari so the price is a little tainted. Comparing against other products that remain unnamed. A copy of Muscletech. It goes on to even compare against the old Plasmajet. The ingredients list is as expected. The very allusively detailed NOSPEP. A supplement can do a lot in 123mg. Glycrophosphate and Pterostilbene are the two that are shown as well as two others that are not as noticeable, Beta Vulgaris and Calcium Lactate. A load of sodium as well. It is a shame that Gaspari do this with the complexes. Like the catastrophe that SuperPump caused with the geranium content count on there being a similar argument with this.

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