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Muscle Pharm have finally finished it, Energel is on it’s way

As predicted Muscle Pharm have got the Energel all ready to go for 2012. Spotted a few months ago and quickly taken away, the brother to MuscleGel, Energel is the energizing one of the two. No ingredients or information just yet but the previous version contained a carb shot, caffeine and your regular vitamins and minerals seen in energy drinks. The exciting news

is that the one flavor in the picture is already a lot better than the flat taste the MuscleGel’s currently offer. Muscle Pharm should be setting the price the same as the protein variant, whether it is actually ‘coming soon’ or not is anyone’s guess. Assault Watermelon is out and about but the March release of the caffeine free version and Clean Mass is still up in the air.

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