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Hydroxycut Elite gets reviewed & approved, Muscletech has created the next step in thermogenic evolution

The long awaited Hydroxycut Elite hit stands a few weeks ago. No stupid build up or anything like that. A few beta testing samples, banner promotions than up and away it hit the stores. The label transparency was one of the huge changes Muscletech made. Along with the price, this new direction looks like it could be a winner for the hugely popular company. The big question is, what sort of quality can you expect from the new Elite series? If the new Hydroxycut is anything to go by then get set for a wild 2012.

Like the concentrate series Muscletech decided to go short and sweet with the ingredients. No extra bullshit just things that have proven to work. Green tea, caffeine, cocoa extract and yohimbe, all of these have been seen before. L-theanine is not new but it is new to the fat burning scene. You can usually spot it in post-workouts or full profile amino acid products. Apparently it can give some big results when used along with other weight loss elements.

The big breakthrough in Hydroxycut is it’s inclusion of Coleus Forskhlii. A few months ago Better Body Sports came out with an individual release calling C-Bolic. So the ingredient is not new to the industry. Nothing in the formula suggests it will help with weight loss long term like CLAs or cocktail supplements (Animal Cuts). However this is one of the strongest thermogenic products you can legally buy in store today.

Unlike most Hydroxycut Elite somehow heats the body up to a perfect temperature. No over sweating, it warms everything to a point where you know you are burning fat at the most efficient level possible. Others like Rx6, Spirodex and even Thermonex have climax or spike heating. They burn the body like it is on fire then they die out within an hour or so. Hydroxycut is something else, something not seen or achieved before by any other product. It might just be the outstanding Coleus Forskhlii, or the perfect balance of caffieine, yohimbe etc.

The thermogenic effect is not the only thing that Muscletech have managed to reach new heights with. The energy in this bad boy is absolutely crazy. You may think that you can handle powerful stimulants, sorry to say start off on one capsule when it comes to Hydroxycut Elite. Out of the few people that gave this a go, the majority compared it’s body powering effects to ephedrine. The drive, the energy, power, strength, this gives you almost everything a pre-workout does. Is there any thermo out there that you could ever expect that from?

Hydroxycut is all it has been talked up to be and more. Super-thermogenic does not cover half of what this is. Usually the price this is going off for is quite expensive however taking into consideration the power of each capsule, $35-40 is a bargain. The world’s biggest brand has come to the rescue, the dying thermo category has been revitalized and just in time for summer. Hydroxycut Elite gets a tick, reviewed & approved.

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