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What is next for Gaspari? Glycofuse or Attack

It has been a month or so since Gaspari unleashed Anatropin. Last year they promised 5 or 6 consistent supplement releases, Myofusion Probiotic, Vasotropin, Real Mass Probiotic and Anatropin. There are quite a few rumored products going around, Aminolast, Isofusion, Attack, Glycofuse, Detonate and Somnatropin. Of that group the two that are most likely to be up next are Attack and Glycofuse. Attack is going to be a pre-workout, there are no details about it being a concentrate or not. From what little information can be found, Glycofuse is going to be a post-workout recovery drink. Since it needs a point of difference compared to SizeOn Max. It will probably be sold as a rehydration or endurance drink similar to Cytomax and AST’s DGC. Which ever supplement gets released count on Rich giving it a big social build up.

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