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Amino One probably going to be a protein tablet, Muscle Pharm have lost their originality

Muscle Pharm have more than a few supplements on their way, most of them have been mentioned and announced. Based on the past few months they probably won’t be following through for a while. Putting aside the Casein drop, the promised caffeine free Assault and the April launch of Clean Mass, Amino One is said to be on the cards.

The big question is what could it possibly be. If it were a hybrid series supplement it would probably step on Re-Con or Bullet Proof’s toes, so it has to be coming into the Core family. The one product untapped in that area, that almost every other company has, is an amino acid tablet. Muscle Pharm are becoming more and more interested in what others are doing, so the chances are quite high on this being a full amino profiled, 2g of protein caplet.

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