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Muscletech targets Con-Cret, Creacore crowns itself the best HCL

Muscletech are putting Creacore on sale just as frequently as they did the other concentrated supplements. Because of the regular buy two get 1 frees and price cuts it has become one of the cheapest creatine HCL products on the market. Just like Neurocore and friends Muscletech have a table listing it’s targeted competitors. The chart takes a dig at Con-Cret and one other creatine that is difficult to figure out. The major points it makes – 80 servings, HCL content, fenugreek and PH buffered creatine amounts. Of course all arguments can be won when certain facts are selected. The one supplement Muscletech decided to leave off the list was Muscle Pharm’s Creatine, 60 servings, lower price, 5 different blends, (unknown amount) HCL and as for fenugreek, it is probably somewhere in your MP stack – Re-Con, ZMA Max or Battle Fuel.

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