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Goodbye Anabolic Halo, Muscletech go with 3 big doses and that’s it

After seeing a solid description on the new Anabolic Halo it seemed that the fan favorite was going to be transformed into something of a ‘supp saver’. The post-workout has gone from a magic amino formula to a 7 in 1 lone ranger. It doesn’t exactly fit in with the current Performance series line up especially with it’s $2.70 per shake price.

Muscletech have managed to hype up the product where they could by adding extra lengthy descriptions on each of the label’s features. The worst part about it all is that the highlights previewed are actually the only things in the supplement. On top of that the complexes that the brand described as replacements for products, have turned out to be formulated as you’d expect. In order to make Anabolic Halo price competitive and producible short cuts had to be made, and the quality of ingredients was where they were made.

Halo is basically a protein powder with a hit of BCAAs, glutamine and creatine. The other features you could easily go without – a little 6g dose of slow digesting carbs, an amusing 500mg of tart cherry and a digestive complex of papain and amylase. In a one direction formula those last three might matter, but in this product they will most likely go unnoticed.

To cover the ground Muscletech have attempted to gain with the Performance Series supplement. Purchase the MP trio of BCAA 3:1:2, Creatine and Glutamine. All up that should cost around $1.30 a serving and provide you with a 5 form creatine compared to their monohydrate, and a slightly stronger BCAA. You add that to a cost effective protein like American Iso or Universal’s Ultra Protein and you should come in $0.40 to 0.50 cheaper than Halo per serving.

If you want you could blow that left over cash and maybe a little bit extra on a vitamin. Something like Armor-V, Animal Pak (@ A1) or AST’s Multi Pro would not just equal the range of Muscletech’s formula but destroy it with results to boot.

Anabolic Halo had a lot going for it, however this Performance Series version has pretty much destroyed the name the brand took so long to build. A high end product that did it’s job is not easy to come by. A 7 in 1 formula is also not easy to find but that’s because it’s extremely unnecessary. Maybe if they had made it a 7 complex vitamin it would’ve had some use. With what it has, not only does it collide with other supplements in the Performance range but it ropes in ‘products’ for it’s 7 in 1 formula that most wouldn’t consider using anyway.

Die hard followers will buy this first chance they get, as for the sensible ones they will know that ordering half as many supplements as Halo says it includes. Will provide them with much better results.

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