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Cellucor’s new spin off brand, going for better value than the Cor-Performance series

Cellucor aimed for great value with their Cor-Performance range. They may have missed the mark with the ZMA and a little bit with the BCAA and Creatine. But they definitely hit home with Cor-Whey and it’s price tag. Looking to learn from their mistakes, the company are going to give the cost effective market another go. This time the line is going to be labelled ‘from the makers of Cellucor’, similar to Muscletech and Six Star. So not a range or series, a completely new spin off brand with a title that has yet to be announced.

If Cellucor hadn’t released the Cor-Performance line they wouldn’t seem as dangerous. But because they have already given well priced supplements a go, it’s not going to be difficult for them to find out where they can improve. The formulas will have to be of a reasonable standard however with Cellucor’s innovation, style and evolution. The question won’t be so much as to what’s in the products, but the same one that was asked when the Cor series launched. How well priced are the supplements going to be?

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