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Buying direct is expensive but worse in bulk, CTD Labs not giving their fans any discount

CTD Labs Lean Stack gives you no discount

As well as selling a total of 31 different supplements direct from their website, all carrying prices a little bit above their retail value. CTD Labs also list a number of stacks offering what does initially appear to be worthwhile savings. Due to the summer season currently breaking in to America, the brand are promoting their Lean combo above the Bulk, Foundation, and GH stacks. The pack includes three weight loss products, Ursopro, Hypercuts, and Omegathin + CLA. The price of the combination at first does appear to be quite cost effective, unfortunately it is the opposite. If you are a regular customer at the official CTD store, be aware of the trickery. If you purchase the Lean Stack for $140.99, you will be spending $1.02 more than you would buying the already expensive supplements separately. On the bright side the CTD website has got a bit of a mistake, as the add to cart button is blended into it’s background.

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