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Mystery Flavor C4 Extreme online at GNC, Cellucor’s latest taste set to arrive before titled

Cellucor confirmed the coming of a ninth flavor for their pre-workout supplement C4 Extreme a little over one week ago. Following that news, the brand revealed the name of the taste to be ‘Mystery Flavor’, and that a competition giving away more than $25,000 in cash and prizes, is going to help decide on the best title for the variant. While the first piece of news created interest, and the second excitement, the latest development adds the first word of option’s title to the mix, mystery. In a strange turn of events Cellucor’s Mystery Flavor C4 has shown up on GNC’s website. It is listed with backorder status, however that is detailed as only a 1 to 2 week delay. If this does prove to be what it appears, then Cellucor are going to be giving fans a chance to purchase and try the ninth C4 Extreme taste, which has been described as ‘a delicious cocktail of several flavors’, before the brand’s naming contest even hits it’s knockout stage. You can check out the supplement and it’s untitled taste at GNC now, and if you’re interested put in an order and be ready for when the Mystery Flavor C4 becomes available.

Update: Cellucor’s Mystery Flavor C4 Extreme now in stock and ready to ship at GNC.

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