Pro Supp’s fat burning supplement Vanish, which is coming up at about just over half a year old. Was originally launched in a 90 capsule bottle, fueling weight loss enthusiasts for a full 45 days when used at it’s maximum daily dose. To help fans get more value out of the product and all those competing in the Vanish 12 Week Transformation contest.
Pro Supps have produced a 20% bonus bottle containing a total of 18 extra capsules. For now the fat burning variant does appear to be an exclusive to GNC, who are listing the supplement at $49.99, or $44.99 for Gold Card members. It is worth mentioning that if you do consider purchasing the Vanish bonus bottle. Pay no attention to the amount of capsules GNC are currently listing, as they do seem to have punched in 105 where it should say 108.
Update: GNC have corrected the supplement’s capsule amount