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Iron Pack finally on sale at, Muscle Pharm vitamin pack available for $27

Muscle Pharm's Arnold Series Iron Pack on sale at

Muscle Pharm’s Iron Pack was one of the Arnold Schwarzenegger supplements that switched from the Hybrid Series to the iconic and visually appealing line. Based on the fact that it had been worked on for some time, we were rather excited about it. Unfortunately when it finally arrived, it did so with a price that made the 30 pack product rather unreasonable at around $40 a box. If you are however interested in Iron Pack and been waiting for a relatively good sale. currently have the supplement discounted with a buy 2 get 1 free deal. It drops their regular cost of $39.87 down to $26.58 each, which still isn’t that competitive against something like the Animal Pak. Although it is definitely one of the lowest prices around, so it may be worth finding out now how good it is is while it’s a little more than 30% off.

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