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Mystery Clear Muscle main ingredient confirmed, Muscletech relying on BetaTOR HMB free acid

Muscletech confirm BetaTOR HMB free acid as the main ingredient in Clear Muscle

Before news of the Essential Series come about, Muscletech’s big focus was on the build up of their upcoming muscle builder Clear Muscle. Since the supplement’s title and extremely promising effects were released, the brand have been surprisingly quiet about the product. Regardless of the reason behind the silence, things look to be picking back up again with a full bottle preview of the highly hyped Clear Muscle. While at first it doesn’t look to give away too much, on closer inspection the image basically tells all. Per bottle Muscletech have packed 168 liquid capsules, listed as a four week supply working out to be six capsules a day. Without seeing the supplement’s facts panel we don’t know if there is anything else in the muscle builder, however the ingredient Clear Muscle promotes as it’s main feature is betaTOR HMB free acid at 1g. With the mystery now solved, from here the wait is on for the launch of the Muscletech product. With the only details left to be confirmed being it’s price, whether or not it has any other ingredients, it’s betaTOR dose per serving, and of course it’s effectiveness.

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