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Final pieces of HyperMax revealed, Performax Labs pre-workout due in under a week

Facts panel for Performax Lab's HyperMax now available

It is been a story that started back in January, and is now looking like it’s coming to a close. Performax Labs have released the final few pieces of information for their upcoming pre-workout supplement HyperMax. The last time we checked in with the brand they revealed four features from the product with creatine, beta-alanine, agmatine sulfate and the currently popular AMP citrate. We can now tell you that HyperMax is made up of 11 ingredients with the other seven from the formula confirmed as choline bitartrate, caffeine, hordeinine, higenamine, b-phenylethylamine and rauwolfia. For those keeping count at home that is only six, as the seventh is a second form of creatine, seeing the supplement’s previously mentioned 3g of creatine made up of monohydrate and magnesium creatine chelate. If you are after a closer look at the latest from Performax, we have uploaded the product’s official facts panel below. However if that’s not enough, you will actually be able to get your hands on HyperMax in just under a week. As Nutraplanet are set to do a special introductory launch next Tuesday.

Performax Labs HyperMax facts panel
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