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Chaos and Pain’s Olympus Series coming early, endurance powered BCAA Mercury detailed

Chaos and Pain's Olympus Series coming early with Mercury facts panel

Chaos and Pain are looking to do something we can’t remember the last time we saw from a company, and that is launch one of their next new supplements early. Originally the brand had planned for their two Olympus Series products Mercury and Helios to arrive in early August. A date that is going to be beaten by a couple of weeks, with the supplements now expected to be released sometime next month. To add to the news of the early arrival, Chaos and Pain have also revealed the formula behind one of the two Olympus formulas Mercury. All together the endurance based BCAA packs a total of ten ingredients, listing highlights such as 12g of waxy maize, 2.5g of glutamine and 4g of 2:1:1 BCAAs. With it’s complete facts panel for those interested uploaded below. In the area of flavors Chaos and Pain are promising a menu of four for the product, with the themed titles elysium fruit, mango ambrosia, lemon berry nectar and cherrylime chimera. While we did say Mercury and Helios are set for sometime July, the more detailed time frame is late July. Putting the launch of the Olympus Series roughly three to four weeks away.

Chaos and Pain Olympus Series Mercury
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