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Home of Mutants now a bit better, Johnnie Jackson My Way series coming soon

Mutant upload redesigned website with much more communicative layout

The iconic and extremely popular Mutant have updated their website, which has been their digital first impression for quite some time. Most of the content does appear to be the same in the online upgrade, with essentially just a much better design displaying and communicating their content a whole lot better. According to Mutant they have seen quite a bit of success with their US shop and videos, so it only made sense to give back to their site. The major differences as mentioned are all in the layout, with much more categorized information and visually communicative graphics and imagery. While as stated loyal followers may not notice any additional content, Mutant are going to have a bit more very soon. As they have teased the coming of a new video series, much like the one they had with Mr. California Rich Piana. Although this time around the focus will be on their latest Mutant Johnnie Jackson.

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