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Arnold’s 8th still exclusive to GNC in the US, Muscle Pharm’s Iron Test going international

Muscle Pharm's eighth Arnold Series supplement going international

Following the release of Muscle Pharm’s Arnold Schwarzenegger Series Iron Test, it became apparent quite quickly that the testosterone booster was exclusive to the store that launched it. For those that missed the announcement it was GNC who showed up with the supplement first, listing the relatively high price of $84.99 or $79.99 for Gold Card members. For those hoping to see the product land at their local retailer or favorite online store, going outside of GNC, at the moment it doesn’t look like that is going to happen. Alternatively if you are located outside the US you may actually see the first Arnold Series addition in your neck of the woods very soon. Muscle Pharm have confirmed that Iron Test is venturing out into the international market, heading to select distributors and stores. While we have yet to see anyone that we know of show up with the eighth Arnold Series supplement, seeing as it only just launched three weeks ago, it might be worth giving Muscle Pharm a bit more time.

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