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Black Market release their one of a kind, 20th Guerrilla edition confirmed as fireball

Black Market Labs release their one of a kind flavor, fireball AdreNOlyn

Being that it is the last Monday of the month, Black Market Labs today have released their Guerrilla edition AdreNOlyns for the month of August. As teased over the weekend the underground brand’s latest flavor is one of a kind and from what we know never been done before, with an original Black Market spicy recipe, fireball. Last month we were curious as to whether or not the brand would do something special for their 20th limited edition, which they have indeed done putting together a cinnamon sweetened experience with a fiery kick. If you aren’t a fan of spicy tastes, in or out of your supplements. Black Market have got a little something to encourage you to pick up August’s Guerrilla, by asking you to share your reaction on social media. Whether it be good or bad the brand want you to show them how well you handle fireball on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram tagging @BlackMarketLabs and using the hashtag #BlackMarketFireball. Like with every other month the new limited edition can already be purchased direct from the brand’s website, or if you would rather save some money look out for it at your local retailer.

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