What you’re looking at above is Smartshake’s latest innovation draped in a black cloth. Of all the teasers we’ve seen lately this is probably one of the harder ones, as Smartshake haven’t actually released anything major outside of their shakers. The brand have done an accessory with their black and camo coolers, but that’s about it. We could of course be looking at another kind of shaker from the team that created the compartment shaker, maybe electric, dual or super compartment, however we really have no idea. With absolutely no description to go off, we don’t have any guess at this point in time, as the only clue we can see is that the top of what ever is under the black cloth is square. While it is a clue it is not a good one, as we actually feel a little more stumped after seeing it than before. Feel free to take what you want from the image and put together your own guess. But in three weeks time Smartshake are going to reveal all, with September 15th confirmed as the day of the product’s unveiling.