Muscle Pharm fans that tend to visit GNC to pick up their supplement stacks, have just got a little something special added to their shopping lists. The surprise has come attached to the athlete company’s exclusive 2.5.lb Combat, which was first spotted a while back, then launched at GNC last month. It’s value didn’t appear to be the best, trading about 5% in price for your choice of more than ten flavors for just chocolate milk. As it turns out the retailer now have something that may make that small saving seem a lot more worth your while, with a second 2.5lb option in birthday cake. The entirely new taste that has yet to be seen in any of Muscle Pharm’s other Combat sizes, 2, 4, 5 or 10lb. Has started popping in GNC locations, suggesting that birthday cake is n fact a two time exclusive, being that it is an exclusive flavor for an exclusive tub size. If you would like to grab Muscle Pharm’s 13th Combat, unlike the first 2.5lber birthday cake is in stock online at GNC for $39.99 or $37.99 with a Gold Card, and as mentioned can also be found in stores.