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Stack3d @ the ’14 Olympia Expo, Nutrabolics showing off Verda Nutrition’s Verda

Nutrabolics showing off Verda Nutrition's Verda

Going from booth to booth here today, there seem to be just as many brands without teased or talked about supplements, as there are brands revealing and releasing. Nutrabolics is fortunately not one of the ones leaving things out, as they have their new Verda Nutrition product Verda on display here today. The brand don’t have anything for their own range to unveil, and while Verda may not have it’s dedicated shelf space, the bright white bottles do steal the show. Depending on when you drop by Nutrabolics booth you could miss it, although anyone who is interested may have already got enough last night at Verda’s launch party at Drai’s Nightclub.

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