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Early Crazy experiences say to trust UPS, new untitled fat burner said to be promising

UPS tease another new supplement following Crazy with an untitled fat burner

While we don’t want to spoil anything just yet as we are currently working hard on getting this one reviewed as soon as possible. Ultimate Performance Supplements or UPS were not joking when they named their new pre-workout Crazy. Again we don’t want to spoil anything, but let’s just say the product proves that even with the regulations Australia have in place, top pre-workouts can be produced. It’s based on that fact that UPS had every right to hype Crazy the way they did, that we feel it’s worth taking an interest in the brand’s next supplement. At the moment it is without a name, although UPS are saying pre-release trials have been ‘extremely promising with some amazing results’. The category the product is set to compete in is weight loss, which as most will know gives the brand another chance to put together a second energizing experience. Without any real details aside from UPS claiming their upcoming fat burner as ‘promising’ we don’t have much else. But as mentioned based on our early runs of Crazy the brand do follow through on their word, as over exaggerated as it sometimes is.

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