Continue reading Stack3d lose exclusivity on 3 of their 4 Cellucor Cor-Performance Wheys lose exclusivity on 3 of their 4 Cellucor Cor-Performance Wheys

Over the past few months a number of Cellucor’s exclusive Cor-Peformance Series proteins have been spotted outside the online store. At first it was just one here and one there, although now it appears to be a permanent thing available to what looks like everyone. While Cellucor’s 2lb Cor Whey flavors cor-fetti cake batter, mint chocolate chip and red velvet cake batter, are still being listed as exclusive at They can now all be purchased from places such as Muscle & Strength and Campus Protein. The changing of exclusivity does still leave the store with one just for them in s’mores, although what it doesn’t see is any change to GNC’s two tastes. Both chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate raspberry truffle Cellucor Cor Whey have remained with the supplement giant, the question is however for how much longer?

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