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AMPless Chaos and Pain Cannibal Ferox and Inferno formulas released

AMPless Chaos and Pain Cannibal Ferox and Inferno formulas released

After all the drama went down around one of our favorite stimulants AMP citrate/DMBA, a lot of supplement companies moved quite quickly to change their formulas. Some bold brands however did stand their ground and to this day still sell products with the controversial ingredient. Chaos and Pain were one of the many that went back to the lab and cooked up a replacement for their two AMP supplements, the pre-workout Cannibal Ferox and fat burner Cannibal Inferno. As the brand move towards the end of their older stock, they have now revealed the updated facts panel for Ferox and Inferno. Both products have of course dropped 4-amino-2-methylpentane citrate, with a handful of features added to take it’s place. Inferno has introduced just the one new ingredient listing 75mg of higenamine and swapped out it’s 16mg of yohimbe bark for 3mg of yohimbine HCl. As for Ferox the changes are much more significant seeing P5P also get cut, and six new features brought aboard with 1.5g of betaine anhydrous, 200mg acacia rigidula, 25mg astralagus, 25mg panax notoginseng, 20mg NooPept, and double it’s dose of yohimbine HCl to 3mg. Chaos and Pain have said they should be all out of the old Ferox by the time the weekend rolls in and uncertain on Inferno, making it a bit of a gamble if you’re an AMP fan waiting for Black Friday/Cyber Weekend.

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