ANS Performance have today uploaded a photograph featuring a new supplement in one of their beta bottles. The tub looks identical to Dilate before it got all wrapped up and released, suggesting the product is at a similar stage to the pump pre-workout was and not too far from launch. Regardless of how far away it is, the more interesting question is, what is the supplement? Being in a tub and shown off mixed up in a shaker, confirms that we’re in for a flavored formula of some kind. We then need to wonder what category the product is going to fall in to, as ANS have yet to drop any details outside of the coming soon beta image. We do know that a BCAA/amino was promised and is still on the way. Initially we did think Dilate was that amino, however it turned out to be the flavored reformulation we didn’t see coming. It would be strange for ANS to keep pushing one they said would be coming soon, back further and further. So while there is the chance that this is not the amino, we’re feeling a little more confident then we did back in August. The launch time frame on this one is early 2015, putting it anywhere from one to three months away, the latter landing it right in line with the Arnold Classic.