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Blue sky Angel Dust launched direct by Blackstone Labs at $40.49

Blue sky Angel Dust launched direct by Blackstone Labs at $40.49

Angel Dust is Blackstone Lab’s pre-workout supplement, that over the past week or so they’ve been teasing the coming of a new flavor for. The brand have already shown that they’ve got a lot on their plate after unveiling Resurgence and teasing the coming of a handful of new products. Despite all the effort being put in outside of Angel Dust, Blackstone have remained creative for their latest addition to the pre-workout putting together a taste they call blue sky. The creation is officially the supplement’s fifth option joining the three common recipes watermelon, lemonade and red ice, as well as the one of a kind Natural Body exclusive devil’s brew. After seeing the last one on that list land late last year, you had to assume moving forward Blackstone were going to be bringing more unique flavors. Blue sky is a great example of that, which the brand have still yet to explain what it actually tastes like. Whether you’ve got the inside scoop or trust the brand have put something magical together, Blackstone have now launched blue sky Angel Dust direct. It is currently on sale next to watermelon, lemonade and red ice for $44.99, although use the coupon code “GYM240” and you will earn yourself 10% discount dropping the price to $40.49.

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