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Epi Cat launched direct by Blackstone and hoping to alter myostatin levels

Epi Cat launched direct by Blackstone and hoping to alter myostatin levels

Blackstone Labs have today launched their second new supplement for the year, that just like Resurgence did last week has brought with it the product’s facts panel. Epi Cat is the latest formula from the Prime’s sister company that previously had next to no information available. As mentioned with its release not only can fans now grab the item direct from the brand, but also get a bit more information on it. Despite all the early speculation about what the supplement is and what is in it, Epi Cat is in fact a myostatin based product, and as a lot of people guessed does include the more recently seen ingredient epicatechin. Blackstone really summarize the idea behind the supplement in one short line “There’s nothing special about follistatin other than the fact that it acts as a distraction on the myostatin”. Follistatin being a molecule released by epicatechin, and myostatin for those that haven’t come across the term before is something our muscles release to limit one’s growth, which does differ from person to person. Other features in the formula include green tea and ribe fiber, two things the brand also talk about on their Epi Cat product page. To get a closer look at the supplement drop on by Blackstone’s website where you now pick up the myostatin formula for $59.99.

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