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PES Blondie Select one of the most unique protein flavors on the market

PES Blondie Select one of the most unique protein flavors on the market

We were first introduced to Physique Enhancing Science by way of their popular protein powder Select Protein. Thanks to a lot of our readers talking about the supplement as well as the brand we decided to invest in a tub, picking up a 1.85lb tub of the product. At the time the 27 serving was all PES had available, with three flavors to choose from, cookies ‘n cream, milk chocolate, and the slightly more intriguing option snickerdoodle. Despite being a little doubtful in the brand’s ability to turn the traditional cinnamon cookie into an actual protein flavor, we of course went with snickerdoodle. In the end PES proved why everyone loves Select with a recipe to die for, and an experience we’ve used to compare to every cinnamon inspired protein since. Recently the brand released blondie, their protein powder’s fourth flavor and one that after snickerdoodle, we couldn’t turn down.

PES officially describe blondie as “the perfect combination of caramel, cookie, vanilla, and very mild chocolate”. Despite the usual blonde brownie recipe being slightly different, the concoction the brand cooked up or at least their description of it, was too delicious to not purchase at least one tub of. Seeing as we had no reason to doubt the ability of PES after snickerdoodle we grabbed two cans, something we noticed a lot of followers did (and more) sharing their purchases with us on social media. As soon as blondie arrived we cracked it open and have been relatively addicted since.

The catch with the latest from PES is not so much that it tastes incredible, but that it’s unique. Based on the description the brand gave we knew it was going to be next to impossible to pick up on caramel, cookies, vanilla and chocolate when they’re all mixed together. In saying that the combination as you’d expect, does create its own one of a kind experience. Firstly the chocolate is as mild as PES promised, to the point of it being almost unnoticeable. The cookies would be next, as it is also quite mild and a bit of a crossover with the remaining two tastes. The other half of the flavors the brand promote for blondie is where you’re likely to get the best description. The caramel and vanilla basically dominate the protein powder coming together as a very gourmet like caramel, with the vanilla smoothing out the flavor. Blondie Select almost borders on toffee, but is really brought back and individualized by its mild touches of chocolate, cookies, and rather large splash of vanilla. While we wouldn’t quite say PES are on point with their description, you definitely won’t be disappointed with what the innovative brand have come up with. The supplement’s thickness of course plays a major part, just as it does with the other options, although only in the best of ways making that caramel and vanilla fusion positively smoother.

Earlier we did say we were “relatively addicted” to blondie Select, the key word there being relatively. The thing with blondie is that it’s not likely going to be be your favorite, or at least that wasn’t the case with us. It will however be extremely memorable and a great change of pace to keep in the cupboard. It doesn’t quite fall into that super sweet category that popular proteins sometimes do, or the disappointing list that we’ve seen so many join. Blondie Select is essentially something you need to try at least once and are probably going to want to go back to every now and then. Select fans will most definitely appreciate PES’s effort as if you tend to go from flavor to flavor, you’re likely to always look forward to a month or round of blondie. Regardless of where we rank it on the protein’s menu, which would be right below snickerdoodle. We have no choice but to applaud the brand for the incredibly unique creation. As far as we know this is an industry first flavor, one that whether or not you can relate it to the blonde brownie, you can say there’s nothing else like it on the market.

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