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Stack3d @ the ’15 Arnold, advanced displays help Optimum stand out a little more

Stack3d @ the '15 Arnold, advanced displays help Optimum stand out a little more

A staple brand at the Olympia and/or the Arnold is Optimum Nutrition, a company that always gets a line going for their booth. Based on our many visits to the Mr. Olympia Expo in Vegas, it’s usually a walk through style experience with Optimum, where fans get special edition tees, samples and other branded freebies. We won’t have time to get in there today and see if Optimum have done anything different and find out what they’re handing out, a quick circle of their booth however does see them doing something different on the outside. While they have got all the usual banners, supplements on shelves and athletes on hand, Optimum also have product packed boxes facing outwards that are covered by a type of glass. We’re not sure how they’ve done it but in that glass the brand are running informative videos about the supplements in the boxes, that you can still see through the running video. We’ve got an example of it above with the Gold Standard 100% Whey display with the text being a frame in the product’s looping clip. No doubt the technology isn’t anything new, although it definitely makes Optimum’s booth look a whole lot more advanced than any of the others here at the Arnold.