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Energy Dropz study in progress at MusclePharm Sports Science Institute

energy dropz

If you haven’t been keeping up with all the MusclePharm Black Label Series posts from over the past week, highlighting each and every one of the supplements. A website has emerged, actually linked to in the Jym argument on Twitter, where you can get a run down of each and every one of the brand’s products including the Black Label items. The point of the site seems to be to promote the science behind MusclePharm’s innovations, as most of its areas aren’t about the supplements themselves. The address is which stands for MusclePharm Sports Science Institute. It is there where you will find sections on research publications, presentations, product education, believe it or not protein test results on Iron Whey, but most importantly an area for research studies. The reason this place is so important is because here MusclePharm have listed a piece on the effects of Energy Dropz on cognition and metabolic rate. MusclePharm Energy Dropz of course being a an unreleased supplement but something the brand have had the trademark for since 2013. The status of the Energy Dropz study at the moment is “in progress” as they are currently testing for its effects on cognition and metabolic rate. There is a second study that doesn’t say too much, just that Energy Dropz was involved with a study on “golf performance and biophysical measures during a 36-hole golf tournament”. As mentioned you can check it all out at, with the website having a lot of places that will keep you looking around.

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