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Blackstone Labs release their own certificate of analysis for Isolation

blackstone labs isolation

Earlier this week Blackstone Labs’ new protein powder Isolation went on sale both direct from the brand’s website and at Natural Body Inc. To help promote the supplement Blackstone Labs decided to get their 100% isolate formula tested, and have now released the results from that sharing it all with their fans. We have posted the certificate of analysis down below however we should mention it doesn’t cover what we usually see protein powders tested for and that is amino spiking. Being that there aren’t any added free form amino acids listed on Isolation’s label there isn’t any suspicion of that anyway, which is why Blackstone Labs’ CoA shows off their product’s quality in other areas. The analysis lists test results for things such as coliforms, escherichia coli, salmonella, yeast and mold. As mentioned you can see the certificate of analysis down below and if it wasn’t clear already this was provided by Blackstone Labs. We only say that because in the past some have confused similar things sent to us by brands as a certification from Stack3d. For actual protein powders we’ve submitted and checked through our program visit the Stack3d Certified section.

Blackstone Labs Isolation lab results

blackstone isolation

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