Initially MyProtein seemed like mostly an essentials brand much like Optimum Nutrition and Dymatize. Not that there is anything wrong with that as everyone at some point always needs a basic supplement or two. Whether it be to complete a stack, add more to a product or put together your own concoction, essentials are exactly that, essential. With that said also like Optimum and Dymatize, Myprotein do have a few more complex formulas. One of those is the pre-workout MyPre. Looking at the label the supplement is surprisingly packed with a 16g serving or 32g maximum and only 2g of that carbohydrates. Being a relatively new brand we were fortunate enough to get a hold of Myprotein’s energizing solution and have here for you today our MyPre review.
As mentioned before ingredients don’t always tell the whole story. They do however give you a good idea about what you’re in for which is exactly what Myprotein’s MyPre facts panel does. While the product does weigh in with an above average serving, most of it is taken up by its Proprietary Amino Blend. Maxing out at 26.8g the blend features all the regulars led by 2:1:1 BCAAs followed by beta-alanine, d-aspartic acid, betaine and a whole lot of other usually heavy ingredients. Based on that it’s really no surprise that MyPre’s big blend weighs as much as it does. It also indicates that the supplement isn’t going to be as stimulating as most of our favorite pre-workouts.
After taking your first two scoop maximum of MyPre you will actually be quite surprised at how much of a kick it has. The product definitely wakes up the body and the mind and gets you ready to work out. We do unfortunately have to say that the initial kick is about as climactic as MyPre gets. After what little stimulants the pre-workout has get to work, you aren’t going to be lifted or picked up any higher. Basically if you take MyPre the usual 10 to 20 minutes before your workout it’s going to be as good as it gets by the time you hit the gym. We’re not at all saying the feeling is bad or not effective as it does get you going. The reason you may not enjoy it is because it doesn’t really compare to any of its biggest competitors.

Despite MyPre having a rather average lift off that will be all you get for your entire workout. Its performance fueling ingredients do play a role and do come in handy. While you may not feel as powerful as you’d like, the supplement will supply your body with the fuel it needs for a good session. Like a lot of the larger serving products out there, MyPre does pack a punch in terms of intensity and recovery during exercise. By that we mean it will encourage good strong lifts, more reps than you’re used to, and quicker recovery time between each set. As good as it sounds and is when you get moving, we feel the lack of energy and focus is something you won’t be able to get over.
A few years back a pre-workout like this may have been quite the competitor delivering a light dose of energy and powerful performance. The thing now however is that there are top rated pre-workouts that combine great energy, focus, performance and even pump. Because of supplements like that delivering in one or two areas even at a good level sometimes isn’t enough. Again we aren’t denying the ability and effectiveness of MyPre as it will have no trouble getting you going and fueling a good positive workout. It’s just that we’ve seen far too many others do what the MyProtein product does better, and more.

MyPre review final words
If we you are to take anything away from our Myprotein MyPre review it probably needs to be the supplement’s ingredients. While we can honestly say the product won’t enhance your performance as well as some of our favorites. It does do it to some extent and does also feature a little more than a performance increase. As talked about earlier MyPre packs a lot of ingredients including BCAAs, d-aspartic acid, creatine and a range of amino acids. For us pre-workouts are a one time thing, so most of the MyPre extras are not something we’d expect to get anything from. That being said it does put a little more on the table for the supplement and those more regular pre-workout users.
Basically if you’re after something to lift your game and get you going the unknown dose of caffeine in MyPre along with its guarana, choline and mega amino blend isn’t what you’re looking for. The Myprotein pre-workout probably needs to be looked at as more of an all in one and probably one for those who like to have everything at good amounts. Unfortunately the brand haven’t transparently dosed MyPre so even then you don’t know exactly what you’re getting, but that is the way you need to look at the product. No doubt the supplement will be right for someone, for us however it’s just not a good enough performance enhancing experience compared to the more complete pre-workouts available.