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Amino Greens next on the list from Australia’s UPS Protein

amino greens

After UPS Protein’s unfortunate announcement about the discontinuation of their two DMBA supplements, the pre-workout Crazy and fat burner Beta Shred. We figured it would be a while before the Australian brand popped up in the news again. It turns out this week UPS are back and already talking about another new product. The next innovation from the company down under is a supplement unofficially titled Amino Greens. We don’t yet know if that is what the product will be called when it finally hits shelves, although based on it being the brand’s nickname it is what we’re going to go with for now. Fortunately not only does UPS Protein’s nickname for their upcoming supplement give us a title, but it also hints at what kind of formula Amino Greens is. If the name didn’t give it away, you have to be thinking Amino Greens is going to be packing amino acids and greens ingredients. The brand do describe Amino Greens in a few short words as “a whole Digestive health formula”, which really only adds more mystery to the product. By the sounds and looks of things UPS Amino Greens is going to bring together ingredients we’re not used to seeing combined, making it one to look out for.

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