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JetFuel Superburn gets a smaller version of T300’s stimulant blend

jetfuel superburn

Following on from the detailed reveal of GAT’s new JetFuel T300 we have an equally close look at the brand’s new JetFuel Superburn. Strangely enough the all new JetFuel Superburn actually has a lot more in common with the new T300 outside of just the removal of acacia rigidula. Basically the supplement is made up of a lot of ingredients from its predecessor, including the three tea extracts, black, green and white tea. Where JetFuel Superburn’s similarity with T300 comes in is its Superburn stimulant blend, as it has the exact same contents as T300’s Thermogenics blend. The big difference between the two is dose as T300 does in fact have a heavier version of the mix. The four ingredients making up the blend and what separates them for JetFuel Superburn is 25mg less caffeine, 100mg less AdvantraZ bitter orange, 12.5mg less yohimbe, and the same amount of cayenne pepper. There is of course more to the product which you can see below, where Superburn shares yet another feature with T300 as it is also 100% transparently dosed. Again we do apologize for the facts panel’s quality as unfortunately it is the only one GAT have released so far.

GAT JetFuel Superburn 2015 edition

jetfuel superburn

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