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Myprotein invasion continues with 8 more supplements added


With another month comes another lot of new supplements for Myprotein. Last time we dropped an update on the European brand we talked about Myprotein’s introduction of 11 more products, with today bringing almost just as much. In total the brand’s US range has now grown by eight seeing the launch of even more protein powders and essential supplements. Starting with the protein powders you’ve got Micellar Casein and the hydrolysate casein formula PeptoPro.

Moving on to the more basic individual ingredient products you have IBCAA (instantized BCAAs), unflavored Alpha-Lipoic Acid powder, 226g bags of Glycine, Inositol and IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate). As uncommon as most of those supplements are except for the Micellar Casein and IBCAA, Myprotein definitely look like they’re going to come through on their promise. While 1,200 different products is a big number and the amount they’re aiming to eventually offer the US market. If the brand continue to add as much as they are at the rate that they are, it won’t be long before you see them in every category there is.

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