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Fusion Pro reflavored with the help of an ice cream company

fusion pro

After a spree of sequel supplements a couple of months ago, lately Dedicated Nutrition have mostly been dropping entirely new formulas. We’ve seen IG One, the mass protein Gainz, Headshot and more recently the nighttime product Re-Grow. Today the brand has confirmed their first updated original in a while with the protein powder Fusion Pro. Dedicated has yet to give us a look at what’s in the sequel supplement, although they have confirmed almost everything else.

The most obvious change to Fusion Pro is of course that it’s no longer coming in a bag. As you can see in the rebranded image above the brand has moved the protein into the more traditional tub. You may also notice in the preview that the product features an all new flavor. The option we first saw attempted by 4+ Nutrition Choco-tella, is what’s listed on the front of Fusion Pro, which is one of four Dedicated has put together for the updated protein. We don’t yet know any of the other three, however compared to the supplement’s previous menu of Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla, things are already looking quite different.

It is worth mentioning that Choco-tella Ice Cream is the official title of the previewed Fusion Pro. Which is important as Dedicated apparently contacted a world-famous ice cream company to come up with their new flavors. Based on that the other three are probably all going to be ice Cream named recipes, or at least ice cream inspired.

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