When it comes time for the big events you can almost always count on Muscletech having something new to either steal the show or at the very least grab your attention. This coming September the brand is looking like they’ll do just that, as they have confirmed something new for around the same time as the Olympia. The item is going to be a reformulated Performance Series supplement, the catch of course now is that we don’t know which Performance Series product it is nor do we have very many clues.
All we know for sure right now is that the supplement is one of Muscletech’s powder formulas immediately ruling out Hydroxycut Next Gen and Test HD. We can also probably count out anything the brand has recently released with Micellar Whey, Creactor and Anarchy. We are still left with plenty of possibilities, however if we had to take a guess we’d put our money on Amino Build. While Nitro-Tech is another product high up on the list, we feel since Muscletech has been adding to it recently with all their limited edition flavors, that rules it out. Amino Build is also actually more than two years old and with the category growing at the speed it is, an update to Muscletech’s amino makes sense.
As much as we can justify Amino Build being the reformulated supplement coming in September, with just the one clue to go off at the moment the mystery product is anyone’s guess. Definitely stay tuned as we will be posting details as they come in, although we do have a feeling the next piece of information will be another clue.