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Cookies & Cream and Banana Cream added to N-Pro menu


While ANS Performance may have only revealed their first ever protein powder N-Pro back at the Arnold, then put it on sale a few weeks later. Today not even half a year later, the brand has already decided to give back to the supplement. When N-Pro arrived it was released in three common flavors, Milk Chocolate Decadence, Creamy Vanilla Milkshake and Peanut Butter Chocolate. ANS has now added to that menu with two more traditional tastes in Cookies & Cream, and N-Pro’s first fruity option Banana Cream.

For those interested the two new flavors are already available, with the brand’s website being the best place to go. Buying direct isn’t always the best idea however with ANS listing N-Pro at $59.99 for a full size 4lb tub. Like with Ritual, Dilate and all the others they have on their site, the brand’s own prices aren’t as bad as most.

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