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Pineapple Condense due to be followed by two more flavors

purus condense

After a very long, almost eight month wait Purus Labs finally unveiled their new flavor for Condense a few weeks ago naming Pineapple. While it did take them a lot longer than usual to reveal the flavor, which should be showing up in stores soon if not already. The brand has actually now gone ahead and confirmed that two more options for the pre-workout Purus Condense are on the way.

Much like with Pineapple when it was first teased back in January, the brand hasn’t said what either of the flavors are. They have however said that one of the two new tastes will be revealed in exactly one week’s time on Friday August 28th. Basically if you’re a Purus Condense fan be on the look out over the next few weeks or possibly months as the supplement is set to go from four flavors to six, doubling the amount it had just over a month ago.

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