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Purus Labs’ next new supplement could be an isolate

purus isofeed

Purus Labs isn’t a brand that just reveals a new supplement. You can see evidence of this in the image above which has just been dropped today, where Purus is teasing its next new release with a blurred out bottle. Initially we thought the mystery item was a smaller version of the product it’s sitting beside, the protein powder MyoFeed. We then changed our minds a bit when we saw what Purus Labs had said in the image’s caption about the supplement being something entirely new.

At the moment Purus Labs is definitely being quite vague, although that doesn’t mean we’re without any guesses. While a smaller MyoFeed could very well end up being what the brand has coming, thanks to Purus putting the product beside the current MyoFeed we know that it fits in the traditional 2lb tub. Based on that fans could be in for a more high-end, expensive type protein like an isolate. It does also open up the possibility of it being a post-workout or heavy carbohydrate supplement, however we do feel MyoFeed hasn’t just been included in the teaser as a size reference, maybe more of a category connection as well.

According to Purus Labs all your questions will be answered some time over the next month or so, as the brand has said it is going to be unveiling its new product in the coming weeks.

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