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Mystery brand Ghost starts counting down to its launch


The upcoming supplement company Ghost which we posted a short introduction on last week, has continued to be quite mysterious. We’ve still yet to see it announce any major moves or even products for that matter, sticking with its extremely quiet strategy. To start this week however we do actually have a couple of Ghost updates, confirming just how many supplements we’re in for, a hint at what some of them might be, and an official launch date.

The exact amount of products Ghost plans on starting things off with is four. No images or names for any of the four have been released, although we have been told three will be competing in quite common new brand categories, with the fourth not so much. Based on that our guesses at the three would be pre-workout, weight loss and an amino cocktail. As for what the fourth could be, we really don’t have any idea, especially since it sounds like it could be a number of things.

Moving on to Ghost’s launch date, basically the brand has updated its website a bit and added a countdown clock. It is that clock that’s confirmed a date, as it currently sits at 50 days and 16 hours, which by our calculations puts its finish on the morning of Wednesday the 30th of March. Feel free to check out the countdown for yourself at, where you can also now sign up to Ghost’s email list.

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