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Hyde Cutz will have the same stim components as Mr. Hyde

hyde cutz

Details on Pro Supps upcoming Hyde Cutz have been coming in bit by bit over the past week or so. In our last update we confirmed the supplements weight loss ingredients with CLA, Capsimax red pepper and carnitine. The increasingly popular TeaCrine theacrine was also confirmed, although that still left the expectation of a few more ingredients. Today we believe we have those few more revealing what could possibly be the rest of the Hyde Cutz formula.

The latest on Pro Supps new fat burning pre-workout is that it will have the same stim components as the regular Mr. Hyde. Our take on that is that Hyde Cutz will be keeping the original’s 419mg caffeine blend of caffeine anhydrous, caffeine citrate and dicaffeine malate. We also feel that fact includes Hyde’s 2mg each of yohimbe and alpha yohimbine. To further add to the product’s list of features, Pro Supps has confirmed a couple more weight loss ingredients saying that Hyde Cutz will have two types of carnitine as well as dandelion root.

While there is still the possibility that Pro Supps has a few more features to name for Hyde Cutz. With its list now sitting at over 10 ingredients we certainly wouldn’t be surprised if that’s all there is to the supplement. To make things a little easier we have added the list of ingredients confirmed below, and separated the features we believe to be the stim components Pro Supps is referring to.

Hyde Cutz, confirmed
Capsimax (red pepper), TeaCrine (theacrine), CLA, carnitine (two forms) and dandelion root

Possible Hyde Cutz stim components
Caffeine anhydrous, caffeine citrate, Infinergy dicaffeine malate, yohimbe and rauwolfia (alpha yohimbine)

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