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Ghost Protein detailed in episode 2 of Behind The Brand


Ghost has just uploaded the second episode in its Behind The Brand Series, following on from last week’s introductory episode one. While the first video was quite interesting the second manages to pack a lot more information. Ghost covers a handful of exciting topics including branding and details on its three supplements, Ghost Legend, Amino and Protein.

Behind The Brand episode one starts things out with just a quick run over Ghost’s branding. Various members of the team explain what they’re trying to achieve with their look, which for us is definitely one of the most unique looks we’ve seen in a while, if not ever. It’s mostly the brand’s angle with color, style and not pushing any real promises on the front of its label, that help separate it. Ghost’s products appear to have a very simplified look taking the less is more approach for information, but keeping it busy and bright with graphics.

Moving on from the topic of branding, episode two of Ghost’s series also actually gives us a full breakdown on a supplement we’ve yet to really hear anything about. While the pre-workout Ghost Legend and BCAA formula Ghost Amino are mentioned, it is the Ghost Protein that gets the most informative description.

To cut right to it Ghost’s protein competitor is a blend formula made up of whey isolate, concentrate and hydro whey. The brand describes its macros as fairly clean with the usual 25g of protein, a gram of fat and 5g of carbohydrates. The product does get a lot more interesting when it comes to flavors as Ghost names two that it was working on in the video with the self explanatory Cereal Milk and Cookie Butter.

You can check out the entire episode two from Ghost’s Behind The Brand on YouTube or below, and as we keep saying look out for its launch on Wednesday the 1st of June which is exactly five days away.

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