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Inspired’s complete performance agent LGND coming soon

inspired lgnd

At the moment Inspired Nutraceuticals has just seven supplements, or eight if you want to count the previous version of its pre-workout DVST8 Black Diamond Reserve. Its line covers a lot of popular categories, although the brand certainly doesn’t seem to follow any trends. Inspired has now started teasing its next new product, which definitely sounds like it’s going to keep the brand on its non-trend path.

The eighth Inspired supplement is officially going to be titled LGND, presumably intended to be a shortened version of the word legend. As for what kind of product LGND is, that’s where things get a little interesting. The short description of the formula is complete performance and recomposition agent. The long edition however is NO boosting, focus enhanced, hydrating, and stress reducing, testosterone booster.

Basically Inspired’s upcoming LGND promises to do quite a bit, which we wouldn’t be surprised if it delivers on after finding out first hand just how effective DVST8 White Cut is. Unfortunately it will be a while before we see anything more on LGND or at least the supplement itself, as the brand isn’t planning on launching it until Late July, early August.

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