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Another protein bar on the way from Muscletech


Since it arrived Muscletech’s hit protein bar Mission1, has been making quite a bit of noise. The brand has actually already given back to the product by putting together another flavor for it with the coming soon Chocolate Peanut Butter. News has now come in that Muscletech has another supplement on the way that will join Mission1 in the competitive protein bar category.

No image or details have been released just yet, with confirmation that Muscletech has another protein bar coming soon being the only fact we really have. That obviously leaves us with a lot of questions, including what makes it different from the brand’s seven-month-old Mission1? We do know the product is going to be under the Muscletech banner and won’t be a spin-off of Mission1, so that does rule out a separately branded bar, or any kind of mass or alternate version.

The good news is we aren’t going to be waiting too long for answers on Muscletech’s mystery protein bar. The brand is going to be officially unveiling the supplement next week at the Stack3d Pro, where at the very least we’ll get a look at it.

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