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Mystery EVL supplement designed for studying, gaming, and lifting

evl mode

EVL has started teasing something today that we haven’t seen from it in quite some time. The brand has dropped a preview of its next new supplement, which is going to be an entirely new one. The last time we actually saw an entirely new product from EVL was quite a few months ago with the brand’s vitamin formula VitaMode.

You can check out the teaser for yourself in the image above, where all we can see is a blacked out bottle with half of the mystery supplement’s name revealed. The half of the title we can see is “Mode”, meaning it will have a name similar to the product EVL most recently released, VitaMode.

As for what the upcoming supplement has been designed to do, EVL has passed on a few clues in the form of icons. Basically it has previewed its mystery product with four icons, one for WiFi, reading, lifting, and gaming. The WiFi icon we’re going to take as internet usage or work, and reading does also relate to studying. When you connect all the dots it does sound like we could be in for something like G Fuel, the work and gaming formula.

Fortunately EVL isn’t planning on keeping its mystery “Mode” supplement a secret for long. The product is expected to be unveiled within the next week or so, followed by a launch sometime next month.

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